Lecture Delivered by President Zhang Cehua from Nanjing Xiaozhuang University

author:eng     Release time:2020-06-22     viewed:694 

        On the afternoon of June 19th, JSMC invited President Zhang Cehua from Nanjing Xiaozhuang University to give a special lecture on Party Governance and Campus Management for Colleges & Universities at the International Conference Center. Party secretary Hao Dafu presided over the lecture. All department and school deans, secretaries and members of the party branch committees, and all staff from the administrative departments attended the lecture.

        Under the title of "Blowing all the sands to reach the gold", President Zhang Cehua started the lecture from ten aspects including the missions, roles and political requirements of college and university deans, proper handling of department members’ relationships, proficiency in management, etc. With his own rich experience, he also exchanged in-depth of the experience of college & university management in the new era with a broad vision of an expert.

        In his concluding speech, party secretary Hao Dafu pointed out that the lecture was a vivid demonstration class which showed the profound theoretical foundation as a scholar and the management wisdom as a university president. He hoped that all deans of JSMC can take it as a start point of the construction of college governance, and clarify their responsibilities and missions with the confidence and responsibility under the spirit of "blowing all the sands to reach the gold".

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